Archaeological Resource Assessment of Talbot Wind Farm & Transmission Line
In the fall of 2007, CRM Group was retained by Dillon Consulting Limited to undertake archaeological investigations for Renewable Energy Systems’ (RES) Talbot Wind Farm and Transmission Line, located along the Lake Erie shoreline in the Municipality of Chatham-Kent.
The Talbot Wind Farm Project is made up of two components: the wind farm; and, a transmission line. The proposed wind farm extends along the Erie shore for approximately 20 kilometres from just west of Morpeth through to the Elgin County boundary. A new transmission line, connecting the wind farm with the provincial electrical grid, will extend north from the north-central area of the Talbot Wind Farm to connect with an existing Hydro One transmission line approximately 1,200 metres north of Highway 401.
Stage 1 of the archaeological assessment, completed during the summer of 2008, included background research and site reconnaissance. The Stage 2 field assessment, undertaken in the late summer and fall of 2009, identified a total of 34 archaeological sites that have subsequently been registered by the Ontario Ministry of Tourism and Culture.
Following completion of the Stages 1 & 2 assessments, construction details evolved, including the repositioning of a number of components with the express goal of avoiding impact to identified archaeological resources. During the spring and summer of 2010, CRM Group undertook additional Stages 2 & 3 work, including testing and construction monitoring, to address project related developments in close proximity to known archaeological resources. With the support of the Ministry, and in consultation with RES, expedited clearance for development was achieved.